Thursday, October 29, 2015

Palestinian incitement to violence against Jews

Lawfare Project Director and human rights attorney Brooke Goldstein discusses Palestinian incitement to violence against Jews, amidst the recent string of terror attacks targeting Israelis.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Disinformation: How Palestinians Became the 'Victims'

Terrorists killed three Israelis and wounded 20 during their "Day of Rage," but Palestinian social media is making it look like Israelis are the aggressors. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Muslim Zionist Speaks out in the Knesset!

Sara Zoabi in the Knesset yesterday speaking
 about Muslim Zionism.

She introduced herself  as an “Arab, Muslim, Israeli, proud Zionist” from the northern city of Nazareth. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Jerusalem and all of Israel face a wave of deadly terrorist attacks. Yet most of the major media have been either ignoring the situation or worse, publishing misleading headlines that highlight Israel's reaction to terror rather than the attacks themselves. #ItallstartedwhenIsraelfiredback

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Abbas justifies violence and murder as "protection of holy sites"

After ongoing Palestinian riots, which have included shootings, stabbings, and rock and Molotov cocktail throwing - as well as the murder of 4 Israeli civilians - Abbas last week justified it all as legitimate defense of holy sites

Friday, October 9, 2015

Culture of Hate - the Palestinian Incitement Kills

The recent series of attacks against Israelis is the direct result of incitement by radical Islamist and terrorist elements, calling Palestinian youth to murder Jews. The culture of hate in the Palestinian media, schools and social networks, together with the statements of Palestinian leaders, has reached new and gruesome heights.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

US veterans’ wheelchairs will roll on Israeli tech

Riders can go over a rocky or uneven terrain, get down a curb or down stairs, while the shock is absorbed by the wheel rather than by the chair or the user’s body.